
Unearthing Potential of Brownfields for Environmental Justice

If you’ve ever thought about tackling a land revitalization project but didn’t know how to get started, our Brownfield Curious webinar series is for you! In this three-part webinar series, we’ll help demystify the brownfield land reuse process for non-profits and understand how brownfields can help you meet community priorities.

Unearthing Potential of Brownfields for Environmental Justice

Date: February 20th, 2024

Time: 2 pm ET | 11 am PT

In our first session, we’ll be exploring why you should consider tackling a brownfield process by exploring the hidden potential of these untapped spaces to address community concerns around food security, climate adaptation, and access to the outdoors. Join us to learn how you can get started transforming that vacant property or former industrial site into a park, green space, or even a community garden!

Register Here! (event closed)

Session 2: TBD

Session 3: TBD